NoteZilla Help

Setting a Reminder to a Note

To set a reminder to a sticky note, right click on the note title or note toolbar and choose Set Reminder from the menu. For faster access, press the shortcut key Ctrl+R.



Set Reminder Window

Specify Reminder Time

The Reminder Date  and Time drop down boxes in the Set Reminder Window (shown in above picture) lets you to select the reminder time.


Faster way to Set a Reminder

To quickly set a reminder time, click on the > button and choose appropriate duration after which you need to be reminded.

Notes Browser: Select a note in the Tasks View in the Notes Browser, click on the arrow button next to the Reminder button in the Notes Browser toolbar and choose the appropriate duration from the Remind After drop down menu.

Getting an Alert ahead of Reminder Time

If you want to be reminded ahead of the set reminder time, choose the appropriate duration from the drop down next to the Show reminder message option

Playing a different sound (.wav or .mp3)

To specify a different sound file (.wav or .mp3) that needs to be played at reminder time, click on the ... button next to the Play sound option in the Actions tab.

Treating Reminder as Due Date

You may just want to set a due date for a particular task, without actually requiring a reminder alert  for that task.

To do this, set the reminder date and time in the Set Reminder window, uncheck Show reminder message option in the Actions tab.

Opening a Program/Document/Website at Reminder Time

You can run a program, open a document or launch a website at a configured reminder time.

To do this, check the Launch program, document or website option in the Actions tab and specify the path the program, document or website.

Deleting a Note automatically at Reminder Time (Expire Notes)

Often, information inside a note may get obsolete after some time. Example: Schedules, Travel Details etc. You can configure NoteZilla to delete the note automatically at particular time so that you do not end up with large number of outdated notes.

To do this, check the Trash this note option in the Actions tab.

Setting Repeat Options

To repeat a reminder at specific intervals, select the Repeat tab from the Set Reminder window and configure required reoccurrence interval for the reminder.